"Then it told me to reboot my machine. Why should I do that? I reboot every night -- why should I reboot at that time?
So I did the reboot because it INSISTED on it. Of course that meant completely getting rid of all my Outlook state.
So I got back up and running and went to Windows Update again. I forgot why I was in Windows Update at all since all I wanted was to get Moviemaker."
Das orginial Pdf des eMailverkehrs inkl. den Komentaren diverser Abteilungsleiter ist dann "Stromberg" pur und für Freunde des gepflegten Büroklamauks lesenwert...
In 2004 war der Co President von MS Jim Allchin übrigens schon so frustriert, dass er seinen Kollegen wissen ließ:
In 2004 war der Co President von MS Jim Allchin übrigens schon so frustriert, dass er seinen Kollegen wissen ließ:
«I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft»
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